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2008 - 2009 MEMBERSHIP



  1. The club shall be known as Granbury Bass Club, located in Granbury, TX.
  2. The main purpose of the Granbury Bass Club is to encourage sportsmanship, fellowship and community youth programs and provide bass fishing techniques through educational lectures and materials. The club will adhere to all local, state and federal laws. The club will practice catch & release, promote conservation and the prevention of pollution of our land and water.
  3. Meetings shall be held the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm with the club tournament to be held the second weekend (Saturday & Sunday) after the meeting. The tournament lake for the current month shall to be selected at the club meeting.
  4. The fiscal club year will be October 1st thru September 30th.
  5. Dues shall be forty ($40.00) dollars per year for the family household (spouse and children 17 and under) membership. Membership dues are due within the first thirty (30) days of the new fiscal year for renewing members and upon joining for new members. Members not renewing within the first thirty (30) days of the new fiscal year must rejoin as a new member. .
  6. Members that join in the last quarter will not be charged dues for that quarter.
  7. Honorary club memberships are granted to persons over 65 years of age and disabled veterans with proven 100% disability and to junior anglers seventeen (17) years of age or younger with written consent of a parent or guardian. Honorary members will have the same privileges as regular members.
  8. Members who bring a new member to the monthly meeting will have five dollars ($5) deducted from their entry fees for the next tournament.
  9. All members shall display good sportsmanship like conduct at all club functions. Any member violating the rules and regulations shall be subject to disciplinary action by the board of directors, up to expulsion from the club after a membership vote.
  10. The rules and regulations will be examined at the October meeting and voted on at that meeting by a majority vote of the members in attendance.
  11. All club bank account checks will require two (2) signatures of active club directors with a two hundred ($200.00) dollar maximum being spent without club approval.
  12. In the event the club becomes insolvent, the board of directors shall determine which non-profit organization will receive the club assets.


  1. The club officers shall be president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and five (5) tournament directors. These officers shall constitute the board of directors.
  2. Elections of officers shall be held at the regular meeting during the month of September. Election shall be by the majority of the members present. Election shall be by a show of hands vote to be counted by two (2) members appointed by the current officers, and the results announced immediately.
  3. The highest-ranking officer shall preside at all meetings.
  4. Duties of the officers:
      1. President

                                                                   i.      To chair all club and board meetings

                                                                 ii.      To call special board meetings as deemed necessary

                                                                iii.      Responsible for securing all trophies and awards

                                                             iv.      Assist tournament director at tournament weigh-ins as deemed necessary

                                                               v.      Assist any board member as deemed necessary

      1. Vice president

                                                                   i.      To provide the entertainment at club meetings

                                                                 ii.      Assume the duties of the president in his absence

                                                                iii.      Assist tournament director at tournament weigh-ins as deemed necessary

                                                             iv.      Assist any board member as deemed necessary

      1. Secretary

                                                                   i.      To keep written records of all club activities

                                                                 ii.      To keep attendance records of all meetings and tournaments

                                                                iii.      Be responsible for writing a monthly newsletter informing membership of all club activities and mailing each member a copy

                                                             iv.      Provide up-to-date mailing lists for each member

                                                               v.      Keep all rule changes up-to-date in club by- laws

                                                             vi.      To assist tournament director at tournament weigh-ins as deemed necessary

                                                            vii.      To assist any board member as deemed necessary

      1. Treasurer 

                                                                   i.      To collect all dues and provide secretary with correct records of such transactions

                                                                 ii.      Assist tournament director at all tournament weigh-ins as deemed necessary

                                                                iii.      Assist any board member as deemed necessary.

      1. Tournament director

                                                                   i.      To chair the tournament committee

                                                                 ii.      To direct all weigh-in activities

                                                                iii.      To present all trophies and awards at the club's monthly meeting

                                                             iv.      Responsible for keeping records of all tournament results and giving information to secretary and treasurer

                                                               v.      Responsible for presenting lake information to the club

                                                             vi.      Responsible for scales at weigh-ins

                                                            vii.      Assist any board member as deemed necessary


  1. The tournament directors in the club shall preside over all tournaments, including inner club and open and in the event of their absence the highest-ranking officer present becomes a tournament director.
  2. All decisions of the tournament committee are final.
  3. All local, state and federal laws must be obeyed.
  4. All protests must be made in writing with-in fifteen (15) minutes after completion of weigh-in.
  5. No contestant participating in a club tournament may fish with a person not entered in the tournament. Family members under the age of 17 may fish from the same boat as a contestant without paying tournament entry fees unless he/she is competing for Junior Angler Honors, then all applicable fees must be paid. A guest may fish for big bass pot only with prior notification for a ten ($10.00) dollar fee, three ($3.00) dollars for the big bass pot and seven ($7.00) dollars for the club. Otherwise, they are considered as entered in the tournament and must pay the full tournament fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars. Guests are not eligible to participate in the blind draw or Calcutta pots. .
  6. Only club members and invited guest may enter club tournaments, providing guest is not a licensed guide fisherman or has not been disbarred from any bass club or tournament.  Invited guests stringer weight will not be counted in yearly stringer total if they should join the club at a later date. All guests must fish with a club member.
  7. At no time during the tournament shall contestants be under the influence or consume alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs. The individual will be disqualified from the tournament and subject to disciplinary action with forfeiture of all entry fees.
  8. Any person disbarred from any sanctioned bass club will not be allowed to fish the tournament.
  9. Contestants must not allow any fish caught by them to be counted by another contestant. All contestants’ fish must be weighed in person. In such case, both contestants shall be disqualified and barred from the club.
  10. Registration for tournaments must be made prior to starting time. However, in the event of late arrival leave a written message on a director’s vehicle with the names of all parties fishing. Fees must be paid before or at weigh-in.
  11. All tournament lakes, hours and dates are subject to change if the tournament directors decide it would be best due to weather, lake conditions, etcÖ  members would be notified by phone if at all possible. If the lake is changed the runner-up lake from the previous meeting will be the official lake.
  12. All tournament-fishing hours are to be from 6:00am until 3:00 pm, unless changed by a majority vote at the meeting in which the lake is voted.
  13. Persons declared late for weigh-in by the weigh-in committee may not weigh their fish or receive their bonus pound. The tournament committee will keep official time for that day. All contestants must check-in by official weigh-in or if leaving early, notify any member. This is for safety of all members.
  14. One (1#) pound will be added to the total stringer weight of all paid contestants who fished the tournament and either checked in by close of weigh-in or left a note with or notified a tournament director prior to the close of weigh-in.
  15. Trailering is allowed.
  16. Life jackets must be worn and fastened when the big motor is running on plane, or a five ($5.00) dollar fine must be paid.  All fines go to the club treasury for club use.
  17. All bass become the property of the Granbury Bass Club to be live released at the tournament site. An exception will be made for trophy fish. Tournament directors are responsible for picking up any dead fish left after weigh-in.
  18. Fish must be in good condition, free from debris, no iced or frozen fish will be accepted.
  19. Only large mouth, small mouth and Kentucky bass will be weighed in. Minimum length will be per lake regulations and bass limit will be five (5) (unless tournament lake limit is less). Bass will be measured with mouth closed using current Texas Parks & Wildlife method. No live bait. No trolling with gasoline engine. Fish must be caught in a sporting manner and on artificial baits (pork rinds are considered artificial).
  20. All bass must be caught in navigable waters of the tournament lake. Wading and tube fishing will be allowed. Members may fish from the bank of the tournament lake as long as they do not trespass on any private property or travel to waters unassailable to other contestant’s boats. Guests may not wade or fish in a tube.
  21. No fishing within fifty (50) feet of another contestant’s boat without consent of the other contestant.
  22. Fish weighed in at club tournaments must be caught during tournament hours and on tournament waters.
  23. Fish must be weighed on official club scales by the weigh-in committee. No one can weigh or measure their own fish during an official weigh-in. Official club board will be the check-it-stick.
  24. Short fish will not be weighed. Anyone who brings a short fish to weigh-in will be assessed a one pound penalty per fish for each short fish. Dead fish will be weighed with a one half (½) pound penalty at the discretion of the tournament committee. Any white-gilled fish or questionable fish will be weighed at the discretion of the tournament committee. All fish must be brought to weigh-in in a bag with water or they will not be weighed in.
  25. Tournament entry fees shall be twenty-five ($25) dollars. This includes twenty ($20.00) dollars for tournament, three ($3) dollars for big bass pot and two ($2.00) dollars back into the club treasury. The big bass pot goes to the fisherman who weighs in the biggest bass.
  26. With ten (10) or less contestants prize money will be split: 50%, 30% and 20%. With more than ten (10) the prize money will be split: 40%, 30%, 20% and 10%. When only two (2) weigh-in fish prize money will be split 60% and 40%. With one (1) prize money will be 100%.
  27. In the event of a tie:
    1. Tie for 1st, 1st and 2nd split the money
    2. Tie for 2nd, 2nd and 3rd split the money
    3. Tie for 3rd, 3rd and 4th split the money
    4. Tie for 4th, tying entrants split the 4th place money.
  28. If no fish are weighed in at a tournament, twenty-three ($23) dollars will be refunded of your entry money, and two ($2) dollars will be kept by the club. For this two ($2.00) dollars you will receive your bonus 1 pound if you attend weigh-in or left a note with, or notified a tournament director prior to the close of weigh-in.
  29. There will be a twenty-five ($25.00) dollar charge on all returned checks.
  30. No lake will be fished two (2) months in a row, back to back or more than once (1) each quarter. No lake may be fished more than three (3) times per year.
  31. Calcutta – there will be an optional Calcutta of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per person per tournament to be paid to the first (1st) person weighing in a fish of seven pounds (7#) or better in a club tournament. Persons wishing to enter Calcutta after initial month must back pay prior months of entry. If more than one (1) bass over seven pounds (7#) is weighed, largest takes all. All money must be paid prior to tournament start.  Winner must be a member for ninety days to be eligible.  In case of a tie, money will be split.
  32. If a person votes to fish the tournament lake (and lake is chosen) and does not fish, that person has to pay entry fee.
  33. One (1#) pound will be added to each member’s total stringer weight for the year for signing in on the sign-in sheet at the door at each monthly meeting.
  34. Any member committing another member to fish for the upcoming tournament and they do not fish, the member that committed them to fish will be responsible for all their fees.
  35. Lake selection:
    1. Lake nominations will be accepted from club members only.
    2. There will be two rounds of voting.
    3. Round one: members will be allowed to vote for two lakes by a show of hands and the total number of votes for each lake will be tallied. The two lakes with the most votes will carry to the next round.
    4. Round two: members will be allowed to vote for one lake only by a show of hands and their names will be recorded for the lake they voted for.
  36. If the vote ends in a tie for round two the final decision is made by a draw from the hat.
  37. Tournaments will be held the second weekend after the monthly meeting. Members may chose to fish both Saturday and Sunday or fish only one of the competition days. Members who choose to fish both days will be allowed to count their largest daily stringer for competition. Optional Big Bass and Calcutta pots will be awarded for the largest Bass (7lbs or better for Calcutta) weighed in during the competition period. Big Bass or Calcutta fish do not have to be part of the tournament winning daily stringer if the tournament winner chooses to fish both days and weighs in the fish as part of a smaller daily stringer on the opposite day.


  1. Year end awards will be given to the following:
    1. Top six
    2. Lady angler
    3. Junior angler
    4. Big bass 
    5. Member of the year (as voted on by the membership at the October meeting)
    6. Angler of the year – larger plaque + $200.00 check
  2. Club championship.
    1. The annual club championship tournament will be known as the Gene Warford Memorial Tournament and will be held in October.
    2. The date and lake will be determined at the September meeting.
    3. Lake selection will be by blind draw with each participant allowed to nominate one lake located within a one hundred (100) mile radius of Granbury. The tournament committee will provide a list of eligible lakes in an effort to preclude the selection of a closed or unsafe lake.
    4. The championship lake will be off limits for two weeks from the selected date one hour before the official start time.
    5. Only club members who have paid dues and have been a member 90 days prior to the September meeting will be eligible to participate in this special tournament.
    6. This tournament is restricted to members only no guests will be allowed.
    7. Prize money for this tournament will come from tournament entry money plus the club will contribute an additional six hundred ($600.00) dollars, less the cost of the winners plaque. Prize money will be split as outlined in tournament rules 26 and 27.
    8. The top six anglers in the standing at the end of the year the will fish free in this tournament.  All other participants will pay the standard tournament fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars.

Send mail to granburybassclub@lycos.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright ©2006 Granbury Bass Club
Last modified: November 08, 2006